That thin line between grace and works can be a difficult one to walk upon. One side demands that we constantly work towards a relationship with God and the other places all of the responsibility upon God's grace. And where do we stand in between?
Or is there a line that we have to walk upon at all?
Maybe there isn't a line that we can say, walk on that and you will be right with God. Maybe God is saying that the line that we have been looking for isn't there at all. Perhaps,
He has instead called us to a dance.

A dance where we move to the music of God's voice. We hear His music because we have spent time with Him and when he says He will lead, our pride does not try to take control. When he says to leap, we trust Him to catch us. When He says to turn and spin, we are obedient even though we can't see the path. And, His grace is sufficient to cover all of our missteps along the way.
His Word records the greatest choreographies of all time. These were the saints - Abraham and Moses, Peter and Paul, Ruth and Esther - who danced with beauty and left their footprints as our inspiration and guidance.
The dance that you dance with Him, may look quite differently then the one those around you are dancing. One person's dance might be exciting and full of leaps and surprises while another's is full of grace and eloquence. His choreography is for you and you alone.
This dance is the outward expression of the intimacy we have with Christ. We listen, we lean into Him and He leads us to live lives that are unique and beautiful and that others are drawn to. Walking upon a line of rules and laws may never draw others to Christ.
It is not a line, but a dance - a dance in which His grace will lead.
"keep on doing what we told you to do to please God, not in a dogged religious plod,
but in a living, spirited dance."
1 Thessalonians 4:1 The Message